Established in 1955, the Martin County Bar Association’s mission is to provide educational opportunities to its members, encourage civility and professionalism, promote fellowship and networking, foster the membership’s health and wellness, assist the public in understanding the role of attorneys and judges in the legal system, and to engage in service to the community.

A Message From The President
Dear Martin County Bar Association Members, Judges, Sponsors and Friends:
I am truly honored and grateful to serve as the 55th Martin County Bar Association President. The theme that I have chosen for our 2024-2025 bar year is “Grow.”
This year, I am asking our members to turn their keen lawyerly focus inward and take a long look at the business side of their law practice. Why? Because I firmly believe that your law firm should work for you…not the other way around.
How would YOU like to make your law practice better? More revenue? More profit? Less stress? More free time?
The MCBA 2024-2025 program has been designed to give our members real-world and business-proven tools, tips, and strategies to unlock your firm’s real potential. You might even learn a little about yourself along the way.
President’s Speaker Series Announced for 2024-2025
Please mark your calendar and join us for my President’s Speaker Series. These membership lunches are held on the third Friday of every month at Monarch Country Club in Palm City from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Programs are educational, informative and provide great networking opportunities! Plus, lunches include CLE and are FREE to all MCBA members and the judiciary. Now, that’s a great member benefit!