2024 President Brandon Woodward
MCBA President
Brandon V. Woodward

A Message From The President

Dear Martin County Bar Association Members, Judges, Sponsors and Friends:

I am truly honored and grateful to serve as the 55th Martin County Bar Association President.  The theme that I have chosen for our 2024-2025 bar year is “Grow.”

This year, I am asking our members to turn their keen lawyerly focus inward and take a long look at the business side of their law practice. Why? Because I firmly believe that your law firm should work for you…not the other way around.

How would YOU like to make your law practice better? More revenue? More profit? Less stress? More free time?

The MCBA 2024-2025 program has been designed to give our members real-world and business-proven tools, tips, and strategies to unlock your firm’s real potential.  You might even learn a little about yourself along the way.

We have fantastic speakers lined up for our upcoming monthly CLE luncheons, including Steve Riley, host of The Great Practice, Great Life Podcast, former CIA Officer Marc Hurwitz, Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Catharine Skipp (who broke the Camp Lejeune story,) and CPA Jeanette R. Byrd. Additionally, we will continue our frequent networking events, happy hours, the Holiday Party, Trivia Night, and of course, our popular Judicial Reception.

Our immediate past President Wayne Richter did a fantastic job building excitement and engagement within our bar through this past year.  Let’s sustain that enthusiasm and camaraderie by renewing your membership or join us for the first time!

As a member, you will enjoy 8 monthly luncheons with CLE for FREE, you can participate in various committees, receive our monthly newsletter and attend a variety of social events. I am confident this year will be great because of our members. Please join us!

I welcome your thoughts, feedback and ideas. Please contact me at brandon@wkfklaw.com with any comments.

Best Regards,

Brandon V. Woodward, 2024-2025 President